See UPDATE Below!
Our beach cities are holding public meetings to discuss traffic problems and mobility solutions in our communities. This can't be coincidence, rather our municipalities recognize the importance planning our mobility system deserves.
3 February 2014, Newport Beach
UPDATE: The draft plan remains in committee for further review by the oversight committee, city staff and the public.
The next Bicycle Master Plan Oversight Committee meeting will held be
Monday, February 3 at 5:00 pm in the Civic Center Community Room located
at 100 Civic Center Drive, Newport Beach, 92660. The primary topic of
the meeting will be the
draft Bikeways Network
4 February 2014, Laguna Beach
UPDATE: The parking structure and the park are gone, LB Council voted 5-0 to proceed with paving another parking lot with a modest gain in parking spaces. A pedestrian walkway with a hedge boarder bring the project cost to $14.4 million. The project is labeled the "Village Entrance".
Regular City Council meeting beginning 6:00pm in Council Chambers will reveal the Heritage Fields Project and payments to city Agenda Item 13, and
Plan D of the Village Entrance (City Entrance and Park) Agenda Item 16.
Read the Agenda Bill here.
4 February 2014, San Clemente
UPDATE: By unanimous vote Tuesday evening, San Clemente's City Council adopted its first Mobility and Complete Streets Element and Bicycle and Pedestrain Master Plan. This is a huge win for San Clemente, congratulations to City Council and mobility advocates at PEDal.
Regular City Council meeting begins at 6:00pm City Hall.
The council will voting to adopt San Clemente's first Bicycle and Pedestrain Master Plan.
8 Feburary 2014, Laguna Beach
City Council Retreat 9am at the Council retreat location, Water District top of West Street , South Laguna. The Council will select city project priorities for 2014.
10 February 2014 Laguna Beach
Senior Center Communication Room, 380 Third Street, Laguna Beach. The LB Planning Department will hold a public Workshop to discuss what is a Complete Street, take recommendations from the public and entertain questions.
18 February 2014, San Clemente
San Clemente City Council (map
HERE) will
for approval the Complete Streets proposal for PCH, the City's northern-most stretch of the Pacific Coast Bike Route