Thursday, April 30, 2015

California's Bold Steps by Executive Order

Google Images Photo
Yesterday California Governor Jerry Brown announced the most ambitious goal to cut climate change emissions to 40% below 1990 levels by 2030 -ambitious but forceful of California to lead the way. The goal is achievable by shifting electrical energy production to 50% renewable sources, by reducing use of petroleum fuels in cars and trucks, and by increasing the energy efficiency of buildings.

 This chart shows the contribution to atmospheric emissions causing climate change from different means  of transportation. The governor's plan did not give specifics how the emissions goal would be met. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change shows relative emissions intensity from each form of transportation particularly aircraft, as shown in the IPCC report.

Emissions from walking and cycling are ZERO.

This chart shows the range of atmospheric emissions caused by different means of transportation. Notice bicycles and walking are not shown because their contributions are ZERO. Shifting the transportation mode from aircraft and driving to rail and cycling in particular short-trips would greatly reduce the contribution to emissions.

Choosing the correct mode of transport for the trip intended is the specific missing in the Governors proposal. The correct means of transport is a choice everyone can make to ensure the goal for emission reductions are met.

For a progressive view on reducing aircraft emissions read the interview with Richard Branson of Virgin Group.

To find the equivalent energy used or pollution emitted from different transport modes try the EPA emissions calculator.


Saturday, April 18, 2015

The Proposed Sidewalk for Temple Hills Drive

The Laguna Beach Department of Public Works hosted a public workshop to inform residents of the proposed sidewalk extension along Temple Hills Drive from Dunning Drive to Palm Drive. The workshop held Thursday 16 April 5:00pm allowed residents to review drawings of the design and express detailed preferences for the proposed project.  

Here are street-sections of existing conditions at the project site. Four alternatives A-D show the sidewalk extension and address road improvements in the context of Complete Streets Policy. 

Alternatives C-D ensure all mobility modes are represented (walking, cycling, transit, private car) and all roadway users gain access to the public right-of-way (RoW). All views are oriented east-bound (uphill).

Temple Hills speed postings are 10, 25, 30, 35 miles per hour.

The alternatives strive to address all mobility modes to reduce congestion, reduce need for parking and improve safety

  • Preserves 36' existing right-of-way (RoW varies along TH Drive)
  • Improves sight-distance by lowering speed
  • Gains a crosswalk
  • Trades transit stop and parklett in place of parking
  • Combines 4 speed limits into 2, 25mph and 10mph

Thursday, April 16, 2015

Who Endorses Complete Streets Policy?

California Assembly Bill 1358

Chapter 657
An act to amend Sections 65040.2 and 65302 of the Government Code.

 A complete street is a transportation facility [roads} that  is planned, designed, operated, and maintained to provide safe mobility for all  users, including bicyclists, pedestrians, transit vehicles, truckers, and  motorists, appropriate to the function and context of the facility. Every  complete street looks different, according to its context, community  preferences, the types of road users, and their needs.

Overview  However, developing a transportation system primarily for motorized vehicular traffic has failed to meet the travel needs and preferences of large segments of the country's population.According to the National Complete Streets Coalition, established in 2005, complete streets are those designed and operated to enable safe access and travel for all users. Pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists, transit users, and travelers of all ages and abilities will be able to move along the street network safely.

The Enhanced Mobility and Complete Streets Transition Plan will outline a long-term vision for a city-wide transportation network that is pedestrian and bicycle friendly, reduces traffic congestion, and provides frequent and reliable transit service between home, workplace, school, recreation and shopping for residents and visitors. The plan would specifically focus on a balanced, multi-modal transportation network that meets the needs of all users of streets, highways, sidewalks and trails, including pedestrians, bicyclists, children, persons with disabilities, seniors, movers of commercial goods and users of public transportation, as well as motorists.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

The Proposed LCR Road Re-alignment Alternatives A-F

To meet motorist demand inevitable for Laguna Beach the city is reviewing a re-alignment for Hwy 133 Laguna Canyon Road. Alternatives A-E are proposed by the city consultant, Alternative F is proposed by the community.

Design Options: Multi-use Trail, Transit Lane (Dedicated)

Design Options: Multi-use Trail, Transit Lane (Dedicated)


133 Task Force Proposal

Balanced Mobility Concept
Background Story:

Alternatives A-E were ranked by the city consultant for success by meeting a single criteria: the alternative that reduces car traffic delay the most wins (pg 24 of the Assessment).

Alternative F as proposed by the 133 Canyon Task Force moves the cycle-track from the highway into the wilderness park where it cannot serve residents across the highway.

Alternative F for 2030 seeks to balance all transportation modes and service the residents of Laguna Canyon Road.  This plan seeks to move people not just cars.

Alternative G is the gender-segregation option. Pink-Zone is inspired by the accident statistics showing the overwhelming majority of accidents are caused by men. See UK's Sheilas' Wheels here.


"Laguna Canyon Road Corridor Improvement Assessment (El Toro Road to Canyon Acres Drive)", RBF Consulting, 12 August 2014.

"Laguna Canyon Road Corridor Improvement Assessment (El Toro Road to Canyon Acres Drive)", RBF Consulting, 19 August 2014.

"Vision Laguna Final Report and Strategic Plan", December 2001.