Saturday, February 22, 2020

LB Neighborhood Trolley Service Input

The city of Laguna Beach invites the public to participate in three "listening meetings" and a short survey about the Neighborhood Trolley Service.

First Meeting: February 24 2020, 6pm
Second Meeting: February 26 2020, 6pm
Third Meeting: March 9 2020, 6pm

Laguna Beach Community and Suzi-Q Center, Third Street, Laguna Beach

The short survey is still active and taking comments.


See the website City of Laguna Beach here. 


Thursday, February 6, 2020


Toll Roads are like Timeshare Condos: you don't know how much they will cost and you don't know when the debt ends. 
Consider these SoCal Toll Roads:
  • SR-73
  • SR-133
  • SR-241
  • SR-261
  • SR-241 Completion
These toll road projects are managed by two oversight boards, the Foothill/Eastern TCA and the San Jouquin TCA (Transportation Corridor Agency).  Two financial firms evaluated the bond debt for these projects as shown in these charts.

The latest bonds mature in 2033 and 2053, these studies show for 36 miles of toll road the project cost will be
  • 2033:   $242 Million per mile
  • 2053:   $322 Million per mile.
When the San Joaquin SR-241 Corridor is included, 52 miles of toll will cost

  • 2033:    $167 Million per mile
  • 2053:    $223 Million per mile.
TCA's debt restructuring scheme guarantees the debt will never be paid off. Stop corporate welfare!

Consider the cost of lightrail is $13-$20 million per mile (no tunnels, no elevated sections, good soils, granted right-of-ways), what could SoCal residents do with the savings over Toll Roads?

If you made it this far, sit back relax, here's NotMyTollRoad's video.