Wednesday, October 7, 2020

LB City Council Election 2020

The comprehensive table shows common city planning terms for traffic relief, some are specific for a multi-modal transition plan such as Complete Streets. Two incumbents and three LB residents are campaigning for a seat on the LB City Council, the table shows the frequency each mobility term is found in the candidate's platform paper.

As of 6 October only one candidate published a platform paper, candidate George Weiss published here.  So far no candidate provided a written commitment to address Complete Streets Policy or any component of mobility infrastructure, this election cars remain king.

CONCLUSION: Expect traffic/circulation/parking cannot improve for the next 4 years, car snobbery persists in Laguna Beach the 2020 election will not change that.


Sunday, October 4, 2020

Text and Drive?

Don't, one day you may need mature driving skills....

Meskel Square, Addis Abeba, Ethiopia.


Friday, October 2, 2020

Happy Birthday CicLAvia 2020

 This year CicLAvia is ten-years old and growing. CicLAvia works with communities to turn public streets into public parks for one day.