Saturday, June 22, 2024

July 1 Cal Senate VOTE Complete Streets Campaign

How you can help: show 15 California Assembly Transportation Committee members your support for better safer mobility in Laguna Beach. July 1 the Transportation Committee votes on Senate Bill 960, the Complete Streets Bill to direct Caltrans to support Complete Streets. 

Mail Letter to Cal Assembly

The bill requires the California Department of Transportation (CALTRANS) to set objective goals to prioritize the implementation of comfortable, convenient, and connected facilities for pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit users on all projects ... where applicable.

Complete Streets are streets that are safe and comfortable for people biking, walking, and taking transit, as well as driving motor vehicles. Protected bikeways teach safe bike practice, they reduce accidents and fatalities for road users in all modes of transportation.



Sunday, June 9, 2024

Killed by a Traffic Engineer


This new book by Wes Marshall shatters the illusion delusion that science underlies our modern transportation system. Our mobility system is obsessed with speed instead of street access. Instead of thinking of just moving cars or vehicles, the better engineers (since 2010) focus on moving people. "When you start thinking about access, it opens up the toolbox. We can start thinking about the bigger picture of how we build not just streets, but also how we establish land uses and connections."

What were Laguna's highway planners thinking in 1940? Maybe let's share our coastal access with visitors so put a freeway through the middle of it. Now we know how well that worked, Laguna ranks the most dangerous city for pedestrians, cyclists, motorcyclists in 103 similar cities (2020) on PCH. For an interview with the author see Bloomberg News.