Thursday, April 13, 2023

SUV's Cause Peds Cyclists More Severe Injuries

Bike Injury Severity by IIHS
Severity of Injury 1-5 Courtesy
Like pedestrians, bike riders struck by SUV motorists endure significantly more severe injuries than those struck by drivers of smaller cars. According to a new study (ScienceDirect) fatal crashes are on the rise since 2009.  Injuries to the head are more common and severe.
Well Duh.


Why are SUV's so popular? Would you believe a covert plan by the auto industry endorsed by government?  What are they doing in Laguna Beach? Where's the 'sport' in Sport Utility Vehicle? Why are auto manufacturers marketing SUV's ? Because they can sidestep normal regulations and make more money doing so. Consumers upsold popular trucks F-150 Supercrew Raptor to make higher profits. Best Video on the impact of SUV's. Why do we hate to hear the truth? It could be cognitive dissonance: we hate to hear the truth when it isn't pleasant.


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