Illustration courtesy Ailustrar.com |
The LB Independent Newspaper disapproval rating for the downtown Promenade Project is 90.3%. Here's what Laguna Beach City should have done in 2021 to prepare for a project of this magnitude. YAWN!
OK, but without knowing where a project is going and WHY, you'll end-up somewhere else.
After three redesigns LB Public Works still does not know WHY they build promenades. "Having lost sight of our goals, we redoubled our efforts" -Mark Twain Let's give them a hand-up here.
Requirements answer what function the project performs, what are the objectives achieved and WHY;
- who are the project stakeholders
- what problems or issues does a Promenade solve
- who benefits, who looses
- what does it cost
- who pays for it.
Promenade Functional Requirements, the Project shall:
- increase foot traffic and reduce car traffic
- remain consistent with Vision 2030 Promenade
- MO4 Downtown Pedestrian Enhancement Mobility page-29
- AC2 Arts and Culture page-49
- remain consistent with Feb 9, 2021 RFP for a Design Consultant
- "promenade" "pedestrian zone" is not addressed in LB General Plan
- plan consistent with General Plan (update the LB GP)
- provide community space where once was parking space
- provide shared space for public gatherings
- design-in alternative to car transport with walking, biking, transit
- revitalize local retail business, make economic sense
- open to both LB Residents and Visitors
- remain accessible to LBFD and LBPD
- satisfy Cal Coastal Commission Replacement Parking Exemption
- financial: business receipts before and after Promenade interventions
- financial: reinvest business profits into local infrastructure
- financial: pool business profits into local business district
- identify funding sources; grants, taxes, parking fund, GoFundMe - metrics: measure traffic counts before and after interventions
- identify cost estimates, construction, maintenance, Enforcement, city services
- retail business compensation during construction
The Promenade Design Requirements, the Project shall:
- preserve look and feel downtown village, preserve trees
- enhance visitor experience by sharing community space
- develop a multi-modal access plan
- provide access to cyclists, provide bike parking throughout
- provide amenities to walkers with wash station
- provide amenities for walkers with pets
- take traffic counts for multi-modal use: walkers, cyclists, transit
- ensure Coastal Commission exemption is met
- reroute transit stops
- place benches for seniors at entrance and middle of Promenade
- provide audible music
- provide a performance stage
- provide entertainment for children
- enhance public bathrooms, add bathrooms
- provide furniture for outdoor dining and public meeting (tables)
- address replacement parking in the project RFP (Feb 9, 2021)
- ensure Coastal Commission Replacement Parking Exemption is met
- develop connectivity between downtown, transit stops, Forest alley
- address flood control drainage
- provide permeable surfacing with storm drainage
- provide utility power and lighting for events
- allow a hybrid design for seasonal variation in traffic
- allow a hybrid design for emergency vehicle access