Sunday, March 17, 2024

Support Cal Senate CALTRANS Complete Streets Bill

In April the 2024 Complete Streets Bill will come before the California Senate Transportation Committee, the bill requires CALTRANS to address the safety needs of all roadway users; walkers, bikers, transit and motorists. The Senate Bill is COMPLETE STREETS POLICY for Caltrans in Laguna Beach, that's Route -133 and Hwy -1 South Coast Highway.

Show your support with a one-click (finished) letter to the Senate Transportation Committee or add your comments. Here's a letter sample:

I join with CalBike in asking you to support SB-960, the Complete Streets Bill before the Transportation Committee. My community Laguna Beach is separated by two major CALTRANS highways with no provisions for other mobility modes; walkers, bikers, and transit. At the same time our community ranks the most dangerous in 103 similar communities due to these Caltrans highways.  SB-960 would address these issues. 

Here's the link to SB-960 

Here's the CalBike link to send your letter.   

UPDATES:  SB-960 votes in August 2024:

Passed Assembly 58:17

Passed Senate 31:9



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